Sunday 9 June 2019

IronHack Berlin 9 week Web Dev Bootcamp

For the last few months I've been away in the wonderful Berlin taking part in the Ironhack Web Dev bootcamp. The course focused on teaching HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, TypeScript, Express and MongoDB. I'll hopefully update the blog in the next few days with some of the projects I created while there.


  1. Getting a job was easy after the bootcamp? Where?

    1. Hey Inês, I actually managed to get a job after my first interview about a month after the bootcamp (in Leipzig). We all seemed to click, plus they wanted a native English speaker to work on their English website, so I guess it was partly luck.
      I think everybody that took part in the course ended up getting a job eventually, most of them pretty quickly (within 1 or 2 months).
      After paying so much for the course, I didn't have much choice but to try and find work immediately afterwards (despite not really feeling ready). You could easily learn all these skills online, but for somebody like me I really needed that extra push to make me go out and find a job. Perhaps you are more disciplined though? By the way, in Leipzig they also have a bootcamp that's half the price & also with half the amount of students per class: I've not participated though, so can't say if it's any good.
      A good online course I can recommend:
      If you need any more help just let me know


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